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HART Field Communicator


  • Configurator Full HART® with the latest Device Descriptions (DDs) Library, registered in FieldComm Group, updatable by user through USB port.
  • It allows the inclusion of new DD’s not registered in FieldComm Group.
  • Access to setup entire instrument’s parameters tree with HART® protocol, regardless of manufacturer or model.
  • It has 24 V power supply for two wire transmitters with internal resistor or 250 Ω selectable.
  • Input for measuring current, allowing the instrument trim and loop test without a calibrator.
  • Upload, saves and downloads HART® intruments settings, allowing a backup in your computer.
  • Portable, powered by Li-Po batteries, rechargeable for continuous use for up to 12 hours in the field.
  • Color display with 5.7″ high visibility with fully touchscreen and a friendly interface.
  • HART® configuration interface in two levels: Calibration HART® and Full HART®.
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